chess set

First I needed a simple image of a chess set to start understanding size and amount.
Used the about image to help me out.

Next step was I went straight to thinking about theme and items. I had thought about the TV show from Netflix The Queens Gambit and taking the simple items that is highly known to that show. Next theme was The Simpsons I was just going recreate the heads and hair. Next theme was trying to make a Glass blowing tool set. My ideas changed to trying to make a solid organic ish mash up with basic shapes. Moved quickly to making gears. Fast pace to stick men. Last idea was making parts of trees. Went back to my organic ish shaped and how I can put holes in them to add negative and positive bits. Having negative bits would make it take less time to make the print. I know the assignment has its rules but there was nothing more that I wanted to do but play with my idea of not having it water tight. I wanted light to escape and texture and organicness of 3D printing. I needed to play to understand the ability of light play with a plastic object. I did lose a lot of time because I have been pushing my bodies limit with my EMF (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) and on top of that I have high amounts of mercery in my body so that adds to it so just trying to build in my mind and in my sketch book  then just playing on the computer. I took a lot of my ideas and what people said in the "speed dating" of ideas and ran with using my organic skills and try to add negative spacing. I took the time to health up and think. Pushed out some stuff and created and saved my work. At the end of my first model and the whole program would not save and deleted every thing but the first thing. Recreated and not saving. Made a whole new template. Used simple quick a pleasing shapes. Triangles and spheres. Used my tree idea to grow my chess set from pond to king. I all so added negative space to force light go straight threw top to bottom. Pushed my boundaries to not have a over hang and to have space to have light leak out of. If light can leak out how much texture do I want. I want a lots. I did a test very small test and a very fast draft. I loved the texture but did not print well so it went up a bit more and printed it. 


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