First Uses Of Rhino.7 and making a Castle

Welcome to my first blog post.
This blog is about my first time using Rhino 7 for a class I am taking in university.
Class assignment is learning the basics of making 3D and 2D shapes.
To make the assignment fun we were asked to build a castle.
How to move objects and join them together in to one shape.  

Quick intro to my castle.
It has three sections on the outer wall that are part of the "village".
Six tall cylinders with a cone roof. Main uses is to look cool and all so have stair cases inside the cylinders with nice rest stops and room for the workers and soldiers. Tallest cylinder in the middle of the castle has large sphere, or donut at the top with a cone on it. Main use is for the "villagers" to have a nice 360 view of the land from a safe spot.
Spiral pentagon middle for some pazazz and in side of it is rooms and space for what ever a king desires. On top of the spiral pentagon is made for a safe place for a market. A tinny ledge is for people to hang out right under the market place and were the spiral pentagon meet. Solid rounded walls the slightly go underground so its more noticeable when people try to dig under it. 

First problem that I has was remembering all of the commands and where they are at.
I started off with with the slow method of not using the commands so I can understand the programs layout.
Next issues was how to properly use Grid Snap by remembering to select a shape and hold shift to get it to pin pointed on the grid. 
Gumball setting was a challenge because I kept forgetting what arrow did what.
Blue to move things up and down. small box to make the shape grow. Blue arch was to rotate a shape or object.
Red and Green made the object move the sides. One would go left and right as the other would move more forwards or backwards on the grid. The colour boxes would all go grow the object to the same direction as the colours move around the grid plane. 
I struggled a bit with bool union and bool difference because at one point I had made a very organic wall with a ledge and curves but was very unsuccessful to remove it with the bool difference command. 
I did get stuck on the hyper fixated mode of just wanting to play and learn so I forgot to write and take photos of my growth and changes to my project.
I got fixed on a z axle but managed to fix it by copy and pasting my castle to a new page.
My last challenge on the project was some how I moved the grid on the front and right view point so it would properly grid to the shapes and placement.

Some of the commands that I remembered that I used are.
Torus- to make a donut shape - walls and tallest spare so it has an empty middle.
Boolean union- combine shapes and make it one organic shape. 
Cap- add a surface on some 3D/2D shapes when they do not have surfaces.
copy paste (Mac command c and command v)
Boolean difference- to take out or remove shapes with different shapes. Open part of the walls for an example.

There was a lot of Successes in my castle and my growth since this was first time of using the Rhino 7 program.
I really had no expectations on what I was building nor did I have a plan. I see that as a big win for how it came out.
Try and error was the way to go for me. To learn what the commands can do to how to make Mac wheel of death to show up and to no longer show up. Nothing major ever happened when the colour wheel showed up so I feel like that in its self was a massive success. 
To understand what the commands wanted from me to be able to make it do the thing was nice to learn and than it opened more doors for me to learn what else the commands can do.
As I was building the castle and creating shaped like the spiral pentagon I tried to imagine what that space would be used for than added more to the castle to make it seem more functional.  
Have a "village" all so gave the castle a scale to work with how big the castle truly is. I found having the scale to be a importance since a castles are usually massive.  

Over all
I had a fantastic time with this project.
Just being able to join shapes into one shape was the coolest thing I learned and then adding a shape to make a negative space for an opening was mind blowing.
There is so much for me to learn and to gain better habits I can not wait for the next project and class to start.
Thank you for reading my blog.

Having this view sometimes made the wheel of death come on.


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