Dismantling for the Love of Art!

Dismantling for the Love of Art!

The objective of this project is to take perfectly working objects to their functionality and unraveling it down to all the parts that make that object that object. The main requirements for this project is that there are two back up and one to be fiddled with. Measurements of the object needs to be able to read 0.01mm and the best tool to use is a calliper to read the measurements. Reasoning to why measurements are important is to recreate these objects on a computer with the program called Rhino 7. A recommendation that was giving was to make sure that objects are mechanical in nature. In other words a object that uses some type of force to operate it. One major rule is that it can not be a weapon but the sad truth is anything is a weapon if you throw it hard enough. My weapons of choices are binoculars, flash light, and of course a pen. I believe these objects are challenging enough to complete in a time of three weeks time with my skills level at this moment.

The first object that I choose to futurity destroy is binoculars. My reasoning for why I picked this object is because, I can destroy them, should be able size it to the proper decimal placing of .01, and they they look like fun to rebuild on a computer. Since they are only kid binoculars they should be easy to take a part and all so not break too much. I did lightly measure them and it seem like all the parts are bigger than  0.01mm so far. Having an object that is some what symmetrical mean that I can spend more time on detail and then copy and past some parts to save time. I could all so grow latter on with my glass skills to add to it by cutting out or molding glass to fit it if I were to print this object.

Next up on my doom list is... a purple, yellow, and pink paw printed LED flash light. I have not fully measured this, but I'm sure that it will work for this project. The parts I did started to take out to fiddle with makes it look like it will be a fun one to measure. There is all so a lot more detail and fine spacing to recreate on the computer. With my skill level now I'm pretty intimidated by this object with the three weeks time period. If I do not choose this an a final project I definitely still want to try it. If we print these object I could do the same with binoculars and add glass later on. 

My last object to use take apart is my favourite to take apart which is a pen. This pen is no ordinary easy going pen. I destroyed 2 of the same pens to put one pen back together. I have a great feeling that this object will meet the deadline and have me learn so much in a simply small shapes to recreate on the computer. The pen should meet the measurements requirement as well. Another reason for choosing this object was to take an object that I always take apart and retake a part to see if I truly understand this object. A pen is a every day item that seem to have a simple design, but what would it be like to recreate in another media.   

My conclusion to what object will be my final object to destroy all for arts sake is binoculars. The other two objects seem to be great back up projects. Flash light will take a long time in my opinion. A Pen should take the shortest amount of time to complete and has great meaning of play for me. Both binoculars and the flash light I can grow with for the future by creating glass pieces. Timing, play, and growth binoculars win it for me for this project of reengineering. 


  1. Any one of these three objects would be great. The binoculars will be the most time spent - but consider than one side is just a mirror copy of the other!


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