
Showing posts from October, 2022

Dismantling for the Love of Art!

Dismantling for the Love of Art! The objective of this project is to take perfectly working objects to their functionality and unraveling it down to all the parts that make that object that object. The main requirements for this project is that there are two back up and one to be fiddled with. Measurements of the object needs to be able to read 0.01mm and the best tool to use is a calliper to read the measurements. Reasoning to why measurements are important is to recreate these objects on a computer with the program called Rhino 7. A recommendation that was giving was to make sure that objects are  mechanical in nature. In other words a object that uses some type of force to operate it. One major rule is that it can not be a weapon but the sad truth is anything is a weapon if you throw it hard enough. My weapons of choices are binoculars, flash light, and of course a pen. I believe these objects are challenging enough to complete in a time of three weeks time with my skills level at t


 My starting point to making a surface design was to find surfaces in the real world. Instead of going to some places I used some old photos. I all so used old knowledge and found some on the internet. As I was trying to think of surfaces I all so thought why not think about my major which is glass blowing, and how pattern and surface can be used in that art medium.  First what is a surface design. It is were there is a surface of some kind and is made to look a pleasing to catch views eyes. Sometimes surface design has a function other than to look ornamental.  Having surface design needs some type of pattern for example like a colour that has repetition. Shapes or lines that are symmetrical all so add to the surface deign since they are repeating. Even texture is a important surface design due to how light can add or take away a showdown or a highlight an area. Up top are some glass projects I have made. Making shapes and patterns where it is noticeable how the surface is highly impa